Monday, November 23, 2009

I finally decided to play!

At Lana and Mocha's continuous nagging to play, I finally give him and start playing just to get them to stop altho I think that backfired cuz now they want to play all the time. Lana has a funny way of playing by always grabbing my back hindquarters and both of them are always grabbing my neck!! Whaz up with that?? Mals don't play like that!! Also, Lana loves to paw at me! That girl!! I'm gonna have to teach her how Mals really play...but maybe another day as I'm too worn out now!! HEHE!! Oh and if you're wondering, there is a 3rd foster sibling but apparently she doesn't want to play with me, mom says she's busy sitting on her throne cuz she is a princess!! Not exactly sure why she won't play but that's ok cuz I have my paws full with these two! You can see more pics of me here!

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