Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Busy weekend, new friend

These long weekend holidays are interesting!! First, Mr. Carl comes home, then he leaves and Ms. Kim has a friend, Ms. Jodi and her fur-kid, Dakota come over for the weekend. It was a lot for me to deal with! I did like meeting and hanging out with Dakota, she's really cool!! Ms. Jodi was nice too.

Sunday they had another person come over and they played some new game that was really loud with drums and guitar!! They were laughing and having a good time!! All of us fur-kids just let them be silly and didn't bother them, especially me as I just stayed outside. In fact, with the cooler night, I really didn't want to come in at all! Plus I was a little overwhelmed with all the new things going on so I was just more comfortable out there. Eventually Ms. Kim got me inside despite my efforts to stay out there all night but she said she didn't trust me to stay out there so I had to come in; she even carried me part of the way. I guess she's right as it was pretty quiet the rest of the night and it was nice a cool in the house too!

We were back to our normal schedule on Monday altho Ms. Kim was grumbling about having to get up and go back to work! I was good all day and with it being cold again, I stayed outside again!! I really didn't want to go back inside and I let Ms. Kim and all her neighbors know about it as I was a crazy boy running all around barking and howling!! Ms. Kim kept telling me to stop saying something about it being 10:30 at night and everyone was trying to sleep and I would wake them up!! Well, not everyone was asleep...she wasn't!! I eventually let her have her way and we walked in; she didn't even have to carry me in this time!

Hopefully the rest of the week will be quiet so I can get back to our routine. Ms. Kim thinks I took a little step backward but it was a busy weekend, lots of new people and noises so she understands why I might've been a little more scared than before and assures me all will be fine. I trust her and know it will!

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